Ladies Kickboxing Wales

Becoming a Member

The Early Days
Lynne Tolcher-James
Becoming a Member
Contact Us
Members Page
Venue and Times

We are always looking for people interested in joining our organization.

Come along and join our Ladies Kickboxing Classes.
Burn off those Calories whilst keeping fit and having some fun.
Meet new people and make friends.



If you wish to join our organisation
just come along to the training sessions
and speak to one of the instructors

To join we need a completed licence application.


Who Can Join?
 If you are 13 years and above You Can Join!

We invite anybody interested in martial arts and we focus our efforts on coaching you as best we can.  Members must be able to dedicate enough time to participate and make a difference in the organization.


There are several benefits to becoming a member of our organisation. Our members are close friends and we have a great time when we get together. Of course we also have a common interest, kickboxing of course,and we hope to further our teaching.

"To Be The Best - You Have To Train With The Best"